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Gift Shop

Dimensions: 11.00in x 4.00in x 0.01in
My Life is Better Than Your Vacation sticker - 4 x 11, the original product in the line.

Price: $10.00

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It started one glorious powder day when a group of locals were skiing, appropriately duct taped and ptexed. Some tourists were commenting to us that it was cool to see a few sitskiers out, congratulating our friends for helping us... being the people we are, with some fun chatting back and forth, the realization came to them (along with some coaching from us) that we get to live in their vacation destination while they had to leave soon, and that the piece of plastic on our jackets were ski passes, not name tags.

Even being disabled, our every day life was better than their vacation. And so the slogan was born. Being a ski town, filled with skiers who loved skiing and loved sharing the feeling of skiing, while completely ignoring fashion and dietary norms, the slogan resonated with local residents and the stickers became widely known, showing up on bumpers and other locations around the world.