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How much does it cost?
It depends on the scope of the work and your software needs. Each site is estimated individually. Estimates are not final quotes and the rate can be higher than the estimate due to midstream changes and additions.
How long does it take?
Anywhere from 14 - 90 days, or longer, depending in the scope and depth of the work.
How do I hire you?
I only work by referral. It saves a lot of time and aggravation as I have a 100% referral rate and any of my clients can attest to the quality of my work.
Will you send me a proposal?
No. Proposals are a project in their own right and I've found that proposals are usually asked for by people who are looking for my recommendations for free or window shopping. I also do not bid on work.
How long have you been in business?
Since 1994, continuously.
Do you offer support?
Yes, I offer monthly support plans for sites I have built and that are hosted on my server. I do not offer support for sites that are not on my server.
What type of hosting do you offer?
Standard hosting is available with or without a dedicated IP address and with or without CPanel access, with varying levels of storage, bandwidth and databases.
What is included in my website?
Your website will have the software you requested, installed and configured, email accounts set up, template and contact information.